
As of 2004 05 01 Lucky is mine :). I'm soooo happy! There's some photos of him here.

I ride about five times a week, I thought it would be too much and get boring -- nothing of a kind.

We are playing Parelli's Seven games with Lucky. Have progressed only to the third of them, but he seems to be thoroughly enjoying what we do and getting to be a lot more good natured and respectfull.

I ride in Bendoriai. Moved here from Prosperas riding school. It is so much better for Lucky here -- big pastures, he's out on them 24/7. He's gotten a lot better -- less spooky, does not try to run away with me, etc.

There's an article (in Lithuanian) about Prosperas in a free newspaper "Laisvalaikis" featuring me riding Lucky.

Some horsey rants from me. Just random stuff related to horses. Maybe some nice photos or even usefull information from time to time.

I surf the web looking for information about horses quite a lot. Here's some of the usefull stuff that I found:


Natural horsemanship
