Near fore sole, trimmed
Near fore, trimmed
Off fore sole map
Off fore sole map 2
Off fore sole, trimmed
Off fore, trimmed
Further work suggestions from Lisa (equinextion):
Hold the rasp directly over the heel/bar and push (or pull) outwards. Keep the rasp flat and get these heels down and back where they should be. The frog needs to touch here.
Once you get these heels down and back...you can blend them into the quarters...don't take the quarters off with the heels...just taper up to them after you work the heel/bar area. Then you can put in a slight quarter scoop...from just behind the apex to blending in with the heel area.
On the other picture...it shows where not to touch from the bottom (at this point) and where the bars should end and where the heel/bar should be brought back to. If you check the vertical height of the bar right beside the widest part of the frog...It should be anywhere from 1 to 1.5 cm at this point. This is safe.
I tried to draw how to clean out the bar /sole buildup between the two lines Check for a dirt line at the junction of the frog to sole around the apex. If you see dirt you are ok. You can exfoliate in a slight curve up towards the wall from here...your 'deepest' point. Use the flat part of your knife for this and pull towards yourself. Try to make this smooth...but at first it may be hard to do that...but try. Work this area 'before' anything else and stay in that area. Take the bar and buildup out back to 1/2 of the frog ..then you can work the heel/bars together. Take the heels down and back and then taper the bars up to the heels. The bars need to be slightly lower than the wall and taper down to the frog right.